The Covert Communications System is designed to allow for completely covert communications. The system includes a radio harness, a wireless covert earpiece, an induction loop or flat pack and a Push To Talk (PTT) Switch.
The loop is worn round the neck of the user underneath their clothing, with the highly sensitive miniature microphone concealed in its junction. The loop transmits the output audio from the radio to a wireless earpiece which is worn inside the user's ear. Alternatively, the system can be supplied with a inductive flat pack which is fitted in to the harness at neck height. The PTT switch is concealed in the user’s hand, with the cable being passed down inside their sleeve. There are no external signs that a radio is being carried. Available for most analogue and digital radio models.
The system is supplied with a analogue wireless covert earpiece as standard however this can be upgraded to our squelch or digital earpiece at extra cost. Please refer to our covert earpiece datasheet.
- Communications
- Security Forces / PPE Equipment
E: [email protected]
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