Tx/Rx Listening Devices
Even under close scrutiny the Pen Transmitter resembles a standard pen hiding the fact that it contains an extremely sensitive, crystal controlled UHF transmitter. The transmitter, with the use of our compatible receivers, is able to monitor conversations happening in the immediate vicinity of the user or conversations in the surrounding area.
Power: Intenal lithium battery:
Resonator controlled: UHF FM transmission (410 / 440 MHz band). Power: 8 mW.
Dimensions: L = 150 mm x = 15 mm.
Transmission Frequency: 418 MHz or 433.9 MHz +/- 100 KHz
Frequency Stability: Surface wave resonator +/- 200 ppm of stability from -20 to + 70 oc.
HF power: 8mW
Frequency Excursion: + / - 4 KHz.
Audio Band Pass: 300 Hz - 5 KHz.
Microphone Sensitivity: = 58dB (omni directional electret).
Audio Distortion: = 10 % at 1 KHz.
Antenna: λ/4 including wire.
Power supply: 1.5V, type AAAA or E96
Consumption: about 20 mA.
Autonomy: about 48 hours
Pen design can change.
- Audio/Visual Surveillance
- Surveillance Equipment
- Tx/Rx –Listening Devices
E: [email protected]
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